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Published November 21, 2022
Phoenix 1.7
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Phoenix 1.7 introduces a new feature called Verified Routes. Verified Routes are a great feature that favors readability and they’re simpler to write. You no longer need to use a route helper function with a bunch of arguments, just the path you want to use. And because they’re compile-time checked you don’t have the headache that you normally would when using hardcoded strings.
Let’s see how to use them by re-writing a few of our links here to use Verified Routes.
We’ll update all the links on our album’s index page to use Verified Routes. Let’s open our app in an editor and we’ll go to our album’s index.html.heex
template. Currently, for our links, we use the different Routes
path helper functions that are generated, but with verified routes, we can simply write the path wrapped in the ~p
Before we can re-write our links we need to see what the path is so let’s go to the command line and get a list of all our routes using the mix phx.routes
$ mix phx.routes
album_path GET /albums TeacherWeb.AlbumController :index
album_path GET /albums/:id/edit TeacherWeb.AlbumController :edit
album_path GET /albums/new TeacherWeb.AlbumController :new
album_path GET /albums/:id TeacherWeb.AlbumController :show
album_path POST /albums TeacherWeb.AlbumController :create
album_path PATCH /albums/:id TeacherWeb.AlbumController :update
PUT /albums/:id TeacherWeb.AlbumController :update
album_path DELETE /albums/:id TeacherWeb.AlbumController :delete
page_path GET / TeacherWeb.PageController :index
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageLive :home
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard/:page Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageLive :page
live_dashboard_path GET /dashboard/:node/:page Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageLive :page
* /dev/mailbox Plug.Swoosh.MailboxPreview []
websocket WS /live/websocket Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
longpoll GET /live/longpoll Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
longpoll POST /live/longpoll Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
Great - we can use these with our verified routes. Let’s start with the new album path. Then back in our template….we’ll wrap the route in the ~p
Template path: lib/teacher_web/templates/album/index.html.heex
<span><.link href={~p"/albums/new"}>New Album</.link></span>
With our change let’s start the server.
$ mix phx.server
Great the app starts without any warnings so let’s go back to the browser - and our updated link works!
Alright, let’s go back to the template and update the other routes on our page. The links we have here - “show”, “edit”, and “delete” are a little different because they use the album
variable to generate the URL path. Luckily to generate URLs that use named params is simpler with Verified Routes.
Instead of passing arguments into the route helper function, we’ll just grab the path that we want to use, and then this is simply interpolated with the ~p
like a regular string, so we can add the album id to the path.
Template path: lib/teacher_web/templates/album/index.html.heex
<span><.link href={~p"/albums/#{}"}>Show</.link></span>
And if we go to the browser - great this works. Interpolated values like our “album” here are encoded via the Phoenix.Param
protocol. So instead of using the
- we can just use album
Now let’s update the rest of the links here too. We’ll update the “edit” link and the “delete” link. Then let’s go to the command line and start the server. When we do we see that there’s a warning - there’s no path that matches one of our routes because we have a typo in our route. Because our URLs are now compile-time verified against your Phoenix router we’ll get these errors. Let’s go back to our template and fix the typo.
Template path: lib/teacher_web/templates/album/index.html.heex
<span><.link href={~p"/albums/#{album}"}>Show</.link></span>
<span><.link href={~p"/albums/#{album}/edit"}>Edit</.link></span>
<span><.link href={~p"/albums/#{album}"} method={:delete} data-confirm="Are you sure?">Delete</.link></span>
And starting our server again - that error is gone. Let’s go back to our browser one last time and we can see our “edit” link works and the “delete” link works too. Just like we wanted, all the links on our index page have been updated to use Phoenix’s new Verified Routes.
One thing that’s worth mentioning that we didn’t get to here is if you have something like a pagination link, you can use a keyword list or map of values and have them be interpolated with the ~p
Romenig Lima Damasio
2 years agoThis will help a lot!
1 year agoI hope so :)
Kamaro Lambert
2 years agoVerified rouets felt mysterious until I read this blog post. Thank you for putting this together.
1 year agoThat’s great to hear!