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Published March 24, 2025
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In this episode let’s explore Shorthand - a handy package that saves time by providing convenience macros to create or match against maps and keyword lists. We’ll add it to this Elixir application that uses Phoenix LiveView to display albums.
Let’s gets started. We’ll go to Hex and grab the shorthand
config. With that we can open our application’s Mixfile and add it to our list of dependencies.
defp deps do
{:shorthand, "~> 1.2"},
Once it’s added we’ll go to the command line…and download it with mix deps.get
$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Resolution completed in 0.121s
shorthand 1.2.0
Now that we have the package installed, let’s see how we can use shorthand
. We’ll start an IEx session with our application.
$ iex -S mix
Then we’ll import Shorthand
and let’s create a first_name
variable and a last_name
. Now if we want to create a map where the keys and values have the same name - and the keys are atoms - we can use the Shorthand m
. Great! Our map was returned.
> import Shorthand
> first_name = "Dale"
> last_name = "Cooper"
> m(first_name, last_name)
%{first_name: "Dale", last_name: "Cooper"}
Now, what if we needed the same map, but now with string keys? To do that we can use the Shorthand sm
> sm(first_name, last_name)
%{"first_name" => "Dale", "last_name" => "Cooper"}
Shorthand even works with nested maps. Let’s create a couple more variables and we can add them as a nested map with string keys under the “meta” key.
> age = 30
> dob = "April 19"
"April 19"
> sm(first_name, last_name, meta: sm(age, dob))
"first_name" => "Dale",
"last_name" => "Cooper",
"meta" => %{"age" => 30, "dob" => "April 19"}
It also works for keyword lists using the Shorthand kw
> kw(first_name, last_name)
[first_name: "Dale", last_name: "Cooper"]
You can also use Shorthand to assign and ignore variables. Let’s create a map with an email and password.
Then let’s use the Shorthand m
to get the email
and ignore the password
> m(email, _password) = %{email: "", password: "topsecret"}
%{pass: "topsecret", email: ""}
Shorthand works with the pin operator to pattern match against a variable’s existing value.
> email
> m(^email) = %{email: "", password: "topsecret"}
%{pass: "topsecret", email: ""}
Shorthand also makes it easy to create structs. Let’s define a simple %User{}
struct and we’ll give it one field email
. Then we can use the shorthand st
passing in the struct module and then the email.
> defmodule User do
...> defstruct [:email]
> %User{}
%User{email: nil}
> st(User, email)
%User{email: ""}
Great! Our expected %User{}
struct was returned. Now that we know how to use shorthand
let’s update a module in our application to use it.
We’ll go to the AlbumLive.Show
module and in it we’ll import Shorthand
. Then let’s re-write the maps in the module to use Shorthand
. It looks like the handle_params
callback pattern matches on the params to get the id
Let’s update that use the Shorthand function sm
- since the keys in the params are strings. Below we can update the page_title
function to get the artist
and title
- here we’ll use the Shorthand function m
since the keys are are atoms.
defmodule TeacherWeb.AlbumLive.Show do
use TeacherWeb, :live_view
import Shorthand
alias Teacher.Music
@impl true
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, socket}
@impl true
def handle_params(sm(id), _, socket) do
album = Music.get_album!(id)
|> assign(:page_title, page_title(socket.assigns.live_action, album))
|> assign(:album, album)}
defp page_title(:show, m(artist, title)) do
"#{title} by #{artist}"
Great, now we just need to start our server.
$ mix phx.server
Perfect! Our application is now updated to use shorthand